Terms & Condition
Terms and Conditions governing usage of dfiswayamvaram.comDEAR USER:
Welcome to dfiswayamvaram.com (herein referred as "DFI Swayamvaram" which includes its agents, affiliates and other representatives).
DFI Swayamvaram and its affiliates provide their services to you subject to the following terms and conditions. On your visit or signing up with DFI Swayamvaram, you consciously accept the terms and conditions as set out herein below. In addition, when you use or visit any current or future DFI Swayamvaram service or any business affiliated with DFI Swayamvaram, whether or not included in the DFI Swayamvaram Web site, you will also be subjected to the guidelines and conditions applicable to such service or business. Please read and reassure yourselves with respect to the various services provided by DFI Swayamvaram before making any payment in respect of any service.
As Users availing services from DFI Swayamvaram ,it shall be deemed that the Agreement has been read, understood and expressly accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions hereof and this agreement shall govern the relationship between you and DFI Swayamvaram and all transactions or services by, with or in connection with DFI Swayamvaram for all purposes, and shall be unconditionally binding between the parties without any reservation. All rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities of you and/or DFI Swayamvaram with respect to any transactions or services by, with or in connection with DFI Swayamvaram for all purposes shall be governed by this agreement. The terms and conditions may be changed and/or altered by DFI Swayamvaram from time to time at its sole discretion.
1. Criteria
DFI Swayamvaram shall act on the basis of the information that may be submitted by you, believing the same to be true and accurate even if the information is provided during the registration by your family, friends, relatives on your behalf under your express consent. DFI Swayamvaram is under no obligation to verify the accuracy or genuineness of the information submitted by you.
The minimum age for registering in DFI Swayamvaram is 18 years for women and 21 years for men and the maximum age limit is 70 years.
You represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and legal capability to enter into this Agreement and that you are neither prohibited nor disabled by any law in force from entering into a contract.
You have gone through the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
If at any time DFI Swayamvaram, in its sole discretion, is of the opinion or has any reason to believe that You are not eligible to become a member or that you have made any misrepresentation about your eligibility, DFI Swayamvaram hereby reserves the right to forthwith terminate your membership and/or your right to use the services of DFI Swayamvaram without any refund of any monies paid to DFI Swayamvaram.
2. Registration
a.It is expected that you would complete the registration process with fairness and honesty while furnishing your personal information. You would appreciate that efficient and effective match making depend upon yourself furnishing true, accurate, current and complete information. You further undertake that you alone shall be responsible or liable for any information provided in this application form. It is expressly provided that DFI Swayamvaram or its officers or any of its affiliates shall not be liable for any act or deed committed by any person on basis of any information or data provided by you in DFI Swayamvaram and you shall keep DFI Swayamvaram unconditionally indemnified at all times against all and any proceedings that may be initiated by any person on account of any act, deed on the basis of information provided by you in DFI Swayamvaram. In order to serve you better if DFI Swayamvaram requires additional details you agree to provide it.
b.As a Member, you are requested not to include key details of the profile in field other than the applicable field.
c.If at any point of time DFI Swayamvaram comes to know or has reasons to believe that any information provided by you for registration or otherwise is found to be untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete then DFI Swayamvaram shall have full right to suspend or terminate your membership and forfeit the amount paid by you towards membership fee and refuse to service you thereafter.
4. Privacy Policy
a.Please read and comprehend our Privacy Policy, which also governs your visit to DFI Swayamvaram to understand our practices. Members agree that their profile(s) may be crawled and indexed by search engines, where DFI Swayamvaram and its network does not have any control over the search engines behaviour and DFI Swayamvaram shall not be responsible for such activities of other search engines.
b.DFI Swayamvaram is not responsible for any errors, omissions or representations on any of its pages or on any links or on any of the linked website pages. DFI Swayamvaram does not endorse any advertiser on its web pages in any manner and you are requested to verify the accuracy of all information on your own before undertaking any reliance on such information. The linked sites are not under the control of DFI Swayamvaram and DFI Swayamvaram is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites.
c.DFI Swayamvaram has the right to change its features and services from time to time based on member comments or as a result of a change of Company policy.
5. Copyright
a.All contents included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of DFI Swayamvaram or its content suppliers and protected by Indian and international copyright laws. The compilation of all contents on this site is the exclusive property of DFI Swayamvaram and protected by Indian and international copyright laws. All software used on this site is the property of DFI Swayamvaram or its software suppliers and protected by Indian and international copyright laws.
6. Customer Care / Customer Service
• Swayamvaram registration can be done at the nearest DFI branches between 10:00 A.M to 06:00 P.M.
• List of Branches is available in the DFI-SWAYAMVARAM website.
• Members may please note that the Swayamvaram wing at DFI Head Office as well as the Branches function on Sundays also.
• In the event you come across any concern in our service, please contact:
• Email ID: info.dfiswayamvaram@gmail.com
• Contact No: +91- 9347123073
• Address: H. No. 2-2-1108/6/8 Tilak Nagar X Roads, Shivam Road Hyderabad- 5000 044
• Landline No: (040)27551914/ 27551915/ 27552484 Mobile: 7670821002/ 003/ 004/ 005/ 9347123073
6) Disclaimer
• YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE SWAYAMVARAM SERVICES ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON “AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE" BASIS. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, SWAYAMVARAM WEBSITE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. Swayamvaram does not warrant that the Website, its servers, or e-mail sent from Swayamvaram are free of viruses or other harmful components. Swayamvaram Website will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this Website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
• Swayamvaram Website does not give any implied or explicit guarantee or warranty of marriage or alliance by you choosing to register on our Website and using Swayamvaram services.
• Notwithstanding anything contrary contained anywhere, under no circumstances, Swayamvaram Website shall be held responsible or liable whatsoever or howsoever, arising out of, relating to or connected with:
a)any act or omission not done by Swayamvaram Website / payment gateway etc.;
b)any untrue or incorrect information submitted by you or on your behalf;
c)any decision taken by you or on your behalf or any consequences thereof, based on any information provided by any other user (including suspension/deletion of the profile from Swayamvaram);
d)any unauthorized or illegal act done by any third party relating to or connected with any information submitted by you or on your behalf;
e)any cybercrime attempted or committed by anyone and
f)any incident of force-majeure or 'act of God'.
g)any issue already stated in these terms and conditions including limitation of liability clause of these terms and conditions.
h)any issues relating to any technical malfunction of any telecommunication network, software, hardware failures, network congestion, denial of service, failure due to spamming or any combination of the above.